The Best Age to Memorize and Learn the Quran

The ideal age to start memorizing the Quran is 3-7 years old, when young minds are especially keen. This early start turns Quranic learning into a joyful journey, fostering discipline, values, and a deep spiritual bond that lasts a lifetime.
Children at this age are naturally curious and eager to imitate. With their remarkable ability to memorize and their keen desire to please, they can begin learning through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Picture a little one reciting verses with pure innocence, their voice resonating with the timeless melody of the Quran.
Starting early not only helps in memorizing the Quran but also instills values, discipline, and a deep spiritual connection that guides them throughout their lives. It's a gift that keeps on giving, enriching their hearts and souls, and shaping them into individuals who live by the Quranic teachings and spread its light to those around them.
As a Quran tutor, I am glad to share with you my experience related to the best age to memorize the Quran. Throughout this article, we will discuss the best age to start the journey with the Quran, then the linguistic skills and their application for a practical guide.
We will also know how to provide a supportive environment for your kid, and how to decide whether your kid’s age and capabilities are suitable to start learning the Quran. Finally, we will talk about the importance of memorizing the Quran at a young age.
The Best Age to Memorize and Learn the Quran
The Best Age to Memorize and Learn the Quran is the 3-7 years old kids. Most of our three-year-old kids can start memorizing the Quran completely by heart because of their clear mind, high memorizing ability, and keenness on imitation. This is because young minds tend to be more receptive to memorization and learning languages. It was said learning at a young age is like carving on stones.
Memorizing the Quran is a lifelong journey. It is better to begin this journey at an early age and follow a schedule to encourage the child to complete the memorization of the whole chapters of the Quran before entering school. In the past days, to apply for admission to join the primary school under the Al-Azhar Educational system in Egypt, a student must be a Hafiz.

Is there any age limit for learning the Quran?
There is no age limit for learning the Quran.
Imam Ash-Shafi'i said: "My brother you will not attain knowledge except with six things. I will inform you of them altogether with explanation; Intellect/smartness, desire, effort, and sustenance; a teacher [as] companionship, and lengthy time.”
How Long Does it Take to Learn the Quran for a 6-12-year-old kid?
It takes two to three years to learn the Quran for a 6-12-year-old kid. This depends on the kid’s faculty and consistency.
Allah Almighty: “˹It is˺ a Quran We have revealed in stages so that" you may recite it to people at a deliberate pace. And We have sent it down in successive revelations.” (17:106)
Linguistic Development Stages Of Every Young Child When Memorizing The Quran:
When learning a new language, a person depends on developing four interconnected skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Allah Almighty says: "And Allah brought you out of the wombs of your mothers while you knew nothing, and gave you hearing, sight, and intellect so perhaps you would be thankful." [16: 78].
We can discuss these four linguistic skills in the light of memorizing and teaching the Quran by dividing the linguistic development stages of every child.
1. The Pre-Linguistic Stage (0-12 months)
At the beginning, babies can recognize familiar voices and intonations. They start interacting with voices and imitating sounds. When they begin to pronounce words such as (ba-ba, ma-ma), they are ready for the listening stage. It is recommended to make them listen to the Quran regularly.
2. The One-Word Stage (12-18 months)
Children start using single words to express basic needs and desires. They understand more words than they can speak. Listening to the Quran at this stage is also recommended.
3. Early Multi-Word Stage (18-24 months)
Children begin combining words into short phrases. Their vocabulary expands rapidly, as they can learn new words daily. Active listening to the Quran at this stage is also recommended.
4. Intermediate and Late Multi-Word Stage (24-36 months)
When the children start forming more complex sentences, they are ready to start memorizing some short Verses.
5. Mature Language Stage (3-5 years)
When the children start acquiring a larger vocabulary and understanding more abstract concepts, they are ready to start memorizing short Surahs.
In addition, when the child learns how to write complete sentences alone. We can encourage him to write down the Surahs after memorization to help him revise them and know the correct spelling of each word. This strategy is applied at Al-Azhar schools in Egypt.
How can I make my kid learn the Quran at a Young Age?
There are many strategies for young children to follow. From my experience, I can sum up some strategies to provide a supportive learning environment.
1. Strategies for Memorization
- Memorizing through repetition (Suggestion: repeat the Verses 5 to 10 times),
- Memorizing with Tajweed: Al-Qai'dah An-Noraniah, a successful method of teaching how to correctly read the Holy Quran; helps the child to learn the correct pronunciation of each letter and the rhythm differences,
- Seeking professional guidance to address the child's learning difficulties,
- Joining Holy Qur’an memorization circles, and
- Following the LRLR Strategy for an effective memorization:
1- Listening,2- Repeating after listening (like Al-Mushaf Al-Mu’alim),3- Reciting out loud,4- Recording the child's recitation,5- Listening to the child’s record, and picking the mistakes then6- Reciting by heart.
Note: It is better to repeat each step several times. This strategy helps the child imitate the Tajweed and memorize it quickly.
2. Strategies for Reflection
- Learning the meanings of the Quranic Verses and the stories behind them,
- Asking an important question: "How can we apply this Verse in our life?" to emphasize that the Quran is a lifestyle, not a book to be memorized only, and
- Reflecting on the Verses that contain supplications and asking the child to keep it up.
3. Strategies for Revision
- Planning a schedule for frequent revision,
- Writing down the Surah after memorization, and
- Applying the Shadowing Technique is a good way to revise Surahs (to know more about shadowing click here).
4. Strategies to Make Learning Fun
- Watching videos and cartoons about the Surah (e.g. A Story of Surat Al-Borouj),
- Considering alternative approaches to Quranic education that suit the child's learning style and interests such as mind mapping, audio-visual aids, and drawing,
- Printing a tracker containing the title of each Surah and encouraging the child to paint each Surah after memorizing it. (for example, the tree of Juz' 'Amma),
- Providing rewards to the child after memorizing several Verses,
- Participating in Holy Qur’an competitions, and
- Monitoring the child’s performance through a follow-up schedule, you can view an example here.
How to Decide Whether Your Kid’s Age and Capabilities Are Suitable to Start Learning the Quran?
Once the kid starts talking and interacting with his environment as mentioned above, this is a suitable time to start. Let’s draw some lines to answer some important questions.
1. Everyone can learn the Quran
Everyone can learn the Quran; this is my opinion after visiting a non-profit organization for people with special needs. I saw blind and deaf students who succeeded in memorizing the whole chapters of the Holy Quran!
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "The one who is proficient in the recitation of the Qur'an will be with the honorable and obedient scribes (angels) and he who recites the Qur'an and finds it difficult to recite, doing his best to recite it in the best way possible, will have two rewards." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
2. Parents must be good role models
Children are like sponges, especially in their early years. They absorb everything going on around them. Thus, parents must be good role models for their children, as learning by example is the most effective way. Parents must memorize and recite the Quran in front of them.
Our Habits Determine Our Identity!
As Muslims, our daily habits should reflect our Islamic identity. Our everyday routine should include a reading portion of the Holy Quran; the Book of Guidance. We should develop a habit of reading and listening to a part of the Quran. Reflection, revision, and memorization should be added to our to-do list. When developing this habit, the kids will adapt to it each one according to his capabilities.
Which Surahs shall A young kid start with?
It is recommended to start repeating Surat Al-Fatihah; the opening of the Book and the most important Surah, for He who does not recite Al-Fatihah is not credited with having observed prayer. Then, it is recommended to start repeating the last three Surahs and Ayat Al-Kursi for their significance in protecting our kids from all kinds of evil as transmitted through authentic Prophetic Hadiths.
Importance of Memorizing the Quran at a Young Age
The Quran is guidance, blessing, light, cure, and protection. In a Qudsi Hadith, Allah Almighty says:
"Whoever is too busy with the Qur'an for remembering Me and asking Me, then I shall give him more than what I give to those who ask…" [Tirmidhī- hasan gharīb Hadith].
In addition to the after-life rewards, the person attaining the honor of memorizing the Quran can benefit from earthly rewards in his relationship with Allah Almighty, himself, and the people around him.
Memorization of the Quran has deep cultural, religious, and personal significance in Islam.
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “The best among you is he who learns and teaches the Quran” (Al-Bukhārī).
Allah Almighty says: "It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it." (15:9)
Thus, Muslims do not carry the responsibility of preserving the Book of Allah themselves. However, they memorize the Quran seeking divine protection, blessing, and mercy in addition to other earthly and after-life rewards.
A. Relationship with Allah Almighty: A Spiritual Foundation
Memorizing the Quran is a way to be closer to Allah Almighty and earn spiritual rewards. This spiritual foundation can help kids be good members of their society; trying to flee from sins. They will strive to live according to the Quranic teachings.
Who wants a rich heart?
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever makes the Hereafter his goal, Allah makes his heart rich, and organizes his affairs, and the world comes to him whether it wants to or not..." [At-Tirmidhi].
Who wants to wear a crown?
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “If anyone recites the Quran and acts according to its contents, on the day of resurrection his parents will be given to wear a crown whose light is better than the light of the sun in the dwellings of this world if it were among you. So what do you think of him who acts according to this?” [Ahmad and Abū Dāwūd].
Who wants to boost his prayers?
Memorizing the Quran and reciting new Verses while praying can help in renewing and boosting our prayers. You cannot focus and feel tranquility during your prayer if you always pray reciting the same Surah! It helps cultivate a deeper understanding and connection with the Quranic meanings.
B. Relationship with Oneself: Discipline, Personal Motivation, and Commitment to Continued Learning
Allocating time and parts to memorize every day teaches children discipline, determination, patience, and perseverance and protects them from the illness of procrastination. This increases linguistic abilities, nurtures a sense of commitment and responsibility, and improves memory.
Through this, the child will be a disciplined person who knows his skills and abilities and knows that he can do his best and achieve goals. This can motivate him for the rest of his life and can help him build a good relationship with himself.
C. Relationship with People
As Muslims, oral tradition proves that the Quran is passed down from generation to generation, maintaining its authenticity.
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "Any group of people that assemble in one of the Houses of Allah to recite the Book of Allah, learning and teaching it, tranquility will descend upon them, mercy will engulf them, angels will surround them and Allah will make mention of them to those (the angels) in His proximity." [Muslim].
The Role of a Hafiz in the Society
In addition, a Hafiz should feel humble, use this accomplishment as a way to serve others, and encourage others to join him on this path. The Hafiz also has the advantage of leading the prayers. Imagine a 10-year-old Hafiz leading people of different ages in prayers!

Join your kids in An Accredited Online Islamic School
Let your kids join Sahlah Academy, an accredited online school, for online Quran classes to encourage them to memorize the Quran in a supportive and creative environment.
Sahlah has many programs:
- Accredited Online Elementary School Programs
- Online Middle School Programs
- Accredited Online High School Programs
2. Online Homeschooling:
Learn More About Sahlah from here.
The Best Age to Memorize and Learn the Quran is the 3-7 years old kids. When the children start acquiring a larger vocabulary and understanding more abstract concepts, they are ready to start memorizing short Surahs through their four linguistic skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
We ask Allah to help us build a good relationship with the Quran, and instill love and enthusiasm for the Speech of Allah in our children's hearts. May Allah make our deeds righteous and make them purely for His sake and help us befriend the Quran and follow Its Rulings and Ethics. Ameen!
Written With Love By Rihab Jamal Bakri

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