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Islamic Calendar for Kids: Exploring Months, Lessons, and Activities

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The Islamic calendar, known as the Hijri calendar, offers a rich tapestry of months each carrying unique significance and lessons for children to explore. From the solemnity of Muharram to the joyous celebrations of Eid in Shawwal, understanding these months not only connects children with their cultural heritage but also fosters values of kindness, resilience, and spiritual growth. 

Islamic months allow children to learn about their faith through unique celebrations and observances. Each month offers distinct lessons, from the reflection in Rajab to the community spirit of Ramadan and the significance of Hajj in Dhul-Hijjah.

Teaching children about these months not only enhances their knowledge of Islamic culture but also instills values such as empathy, gratitude, and perseverance.

Through interactive activities and storytelling, children can develop a deeper connection to their spiritual heritage, fostering a sense of identity and belonging within the global Muslim community.

This guide provides a detailed overview of each Islamic month, highlighting key events and teachings, to help children deepen their understanding of Islamic traditions in an engaging and educational manner.

What is the Islamic Calendar?

The Islamic calendar, also known as the Hijri calendar, is a lunar-based system used by Muslims worldwide to determine the dates of religious events and observances. It consists of 12 months, beginning with Muharram and ending with Dhul-Hijjah.

Key occasions such as Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha are marked based on the sighting of the moon, making the calendar essential for religious practices. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the Islamic calendar is shorter by about 11 days, causing the dates of Islamic holidays to shift each year.

This calendar plays a crucial role in the spiritual and cultural life of Muslims, connecting them to their religious heritage.

Islamic Months for Kids

The Islamic months offer unique opportunities for children to learn about their faith and values. Each month, from the sacred significance of Muharram and the reflection in Rajab, to the devotion of Ramadan and the celebrations of Eid in Shawwal, provides lessons in kindness, resilience, and spiritual growth.

Understanding these months helps children connect with their heritage and develop a deeper sense of community and faith.

Here is a detailed overview of Islamic months for kids:  

1. Muharram

The first month, Muharram, is sacred and marks the Islamic new year. It's a time for reflection and remembrance, especially on the 10th day, Ashura, commemorating Imam Hussain's sacrifice at Karbala. This month emphasizes devotion and community through fasting and charity.

2. Safar

Safar, the second month, is often misunderstood due to superstitions, but it is a time for positive action and learning. It encourages journeys and adventures, teaching children to dispel myths and focus on growth and faith.

3. Rabi' al-Awwal

Celebrated for the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), this month is rich in gatherings and storytelling. It highlights the Prophet’s teachings of kindness and compassion, offering valuable lessons for kids.

4. Rabi' al-Thani

Continuing from the previous month, it emphasizes growth and learning. Families can engage in activities that promote understanding of Islamic values, fostering personal development and spiritual growth.

5. Jumada al-Awwal

Named for the dry season, this month teaches resilience and adaptability. It’s a good time for children to explore stories of perseverance, reinforcing the importance of overcoming obstacles with faith.

6. Jumada al-Thani

This month continues themes of renewal and environmental stewardship. Kids learn about taking care of the earth, a principle rooted in Islamic teachings, and appreciate the beauty of creation.

7. Rajab

As a sacred month, Rajab is for spiritual reflection. Increased prayers and fasting help children learn about self-discipline and seeking forgiveness, inspiring devotion.

8. Sha'ban

Known for preparing for Ramadan, this month focuses on increased devotion and reflection. The 15th night is a significant time for prayer and reflection. Families often focus on reinforcing religious practices and understanding the importance of intention and dedication in worship. This month sets the spiritual tone for the arrival of Ramadan.

9. Ramadan

The holiest month is marked by fasting, prayer, and charity. For kids, Ramadan is an opportunity to learn about empathy, patience, and gratitude.

It is also a time to appreciate the blessings they have and to develop a sense of community through shared iftars (breaking of the fast) and participation in mosque activities. It's a time for spiritual growth and community connection.

10. Shawwal

Following Ramadan, Shawwal begins with Eid al-Fitr celebrations, emphasizing gratitude and sharing. It encourages the continuation of good habits developed during Ramadan.

11. Dhul-Qi'dah

It is a sacred month for peace and preparation for Hajj. It teaches about the significance of pilgrimage, unity, and spiritual readiness, focusing on patience and humility.

12. Dhul-Hijjah

Marked by Hajj and Eid al-Adha, this month teaches about sacrifice and devotion. It's a time of immense spiritual significance, emphasizing charity and helping others.

Exploring the Islamic months with children not only educates them about their faith but also instills values of kindness, resilience, and devotion, creating a deep-rooted connection to their spiritual heritage.

The 4 Sacred Months in the Hijri Calendar

The Hijri calendar, like many lunar calendars, designates certain months as sacred. These are known as the four holy months (Al-Ashhur al-Hurum) and hold special significance in Islamic tradition:

1. Muharram

The first month of the Islamic calendar, Muharram is considered sacred due to its historical and spiritual importance. It marks the beginning of the Islamic year and includes the solemn day of Ashura (the 10th day), when Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), at the Battle of Karbala.

2. Rajab

The seventh month of the Islamic calendar, Rajab is revered for its sacred status as a month of peace and reflection. Known as "Rajab al-Murajab," it precedes the months of Sha'ban and Ramadan, serving as a time for spiritual preparation and seeking forgiveness.

It is also traditionally associated with the journey of Isra and Mi'raj, the miraculous night journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Jerusalem, and ascension to the heavens.

3. Dhul-Qi'dah

The eleventh month, Dhul-Qi'dah, is sacred primarily because it precedes the month of Dhul-Hijjah, during which the Hajj pilgrimage occurs. Muslims consider this month a time of peace and preparation for the pilgrimage, emphasizing acts of worship and spiritual readiness.

4. Dhul-Hijjah

The twelfth and final month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul-Hijjah is the most sacred due to its association with the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Eid al-Adha, the festival of sacrifice, also occurs during this month, commemorating Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Isma'il as an act of obedience to God.

Muslims around the world celebrate this occasion by performing the ritual of Qurbani (sacrifice) and sharing meat with family, friends, and those in need.

Teaching children about the four sacred months can emphasize their importance in Islamic faith and practice, encouraging reflection, acts of worship, and gratitude for spiritual blessings throughout the year.

How to Teach the Islamic Hijri Calendar for Kids

Teaching children the Islamic months offers a rich opportunity to deepen their understanding of Islamic traditions and values. Each month in the Hijri calendar carries unique significance, from commemorating historical events to celebrating religious observances.

Introducing these months to children involves more than just learning dates; it involves exploring stories of courage, lessons in empathy, and the importance of community.

By using interactive methods and engaging activities, educators and parents can make learning about the Islamic calendar both educational and enjoyable, fostering a strong connection to faith and cultural heritage from an early age.

Here’s a more detailed approach to teaching each Islamic month to kids:


Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, holds special significance as one of the four sacred months. For children, learning about Muharram can focus on understanding its importance through stories of courage and sacrifice.

Discuss the story of Prophet Musa (Moses) crossing the Red Sea or the events of Karbala, emphasizing themes of standing up for justice and maintaining faith in difficult times.

Engage children in activities like creating artwork depicting scenes from these stories or discussing ways they can show kindness and empathy, reflecting the spirit of Muharram.


Safar, the second month, historically known as a time of travel and transition, can be taught to children through exploration and discovery. Encourage them to learn about different cultures and traditions within Islam, reflecting on how migration and journeys have shaped Islamic history.

Plan virtual or local trips to mosques or cultural centers, where kids can learn firsthand about the diversity and unity of the Muslim community. Discuss the importance of dispelling myths and embracing knowledge, highlighting the values of tolerance and acceptance.

Rabi' al-Awwal

Rabi' al-Awwal is celebrated for the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), making it an ideal time to teach children about his life and teachings. Share simplified stories about the Prophet's kindness, honesty, and compassion, emphasizing how his actions continue to inspire Muslims worldwide.

Engage children in activities such as role-playing scenarios from the Prophet's life or creating crafts that symbolize his teachings, fostering a deeper understanding of Islamic values like respect and generosity.

Rabi' al-Thani

Continuing from Rabi' al-Awwal, Rabi' al-Thani emphasizes growth and reflection. Encourage children to set personal goals related to their faith and character development, such as acts of kindness or learning new prayers.

Create a family gratitude journal where kids can write or draw things they are thankful for each day, reinforcing the importance of gratitude and positivity. Discuss the significance of continuous learning and improvement, using examples from Islamic history to inspire perseverance and resilience.

Jumada al-Awwal

Jumada al-Awwal, named after the dry season, teaches children about resilience and adaptability. Engage them in activities that explore environmental awareness and conservation, discussing the importance of stewardship in Islam.

Plant a garden or participate in community clean-up projects, connecting practical actions with Islamic teachings about caring for the Earth. Share stories of prophets who faced challenges with patience and faith, encouraging kids to find strength in difficult situations and to help others in need.

Jumada al-Thani

Jumada al-Thani continues themes of renewal and environmental stewardship. Encourage children to explore the natural world through nature walks or birdwatching, discussing the beauty of creation and its significance in Islamic teachings.

Create islamic art projects inspired by the natural world, using recycled materials to emphasize sustainability and resourcefulness. Discuss the importance of balance and harmony in Islam, reflecting on how these principles can guide personal actions and relationships within the community.


Rajab, a sacred month for spiritual reflection, provides opportunities for children to deepen their connection to faith through prayer and contemplation.

Teach them about the significance of seeking forgiveness and self-improvement during this month, emphasizing the importance of sincerity and intention in worship.

Plan family discussions or storytelling sessions about notable events in Islamic history that occurred during Rajab, highlighting lessons of unity and perseverance. Engage children in acts of charity or community service, fostering empathy and compassion towards others.


Sha'ban, known as a month of preparation for Ramadan, focuses on increasing devotion and self-discipline. Help children understand the importance of spiritual readiness by encouraging them to set personal goals for Ramadan, such as memorizing a new surah or performing additional acts of kindness.

Create a family Ramadan countdown calendar or planner where kids can track their progress and plan special activities like iftar preparations or family prayers. Discuss the significance of Laylat al-Bara'ah (Night of Forgiveness), emphasizing the power of prayer and repentance in Islam.


Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam, is a time of fasting, prayer, and charity. Teach children about the pillars of Ramadan, including the importance of empathy, patience, and gratitude.

Engage them in practical activities such as preparing iftar meals for neighbors or participating in mosque events like Taraweeh prayers. Encourage children to keep a Ramadan journal where they can write reflections on their experiences and goals for personal growth.

Share stories of Prophet Muhammad's generosity and compassion, inspiring children to emulate these qualities in their daily lives.


Shawwal begins with the joyous celebration of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan. Teach children about the significance of Eid, including its rituals and acts of charity like zakat al-fitr.

Plan a family Eid party where children can participate in decorating, preparing traditional foods, and exchanging gifts. Discuss the importance of gratitude and sharing blessings with others, reinforcing the values of community and generosity.

Encourage children to continue their good habits from Ramadan throughout Shawwal, emphasizing the importance of consistency and maintaining spiritual growth.


Dhul-Qi'dah, a sacred month preceding Hajj, teaches children about the significance of pilgrimage and unity in Islam. Engage them in discussions about the rituals of Hajj and the story of Prophet Ibrahim's devotion to Allah.

Plan activities that highlight the importance of family bonds and community solidarity, such as organizing a Hajj simulation or participating in interfaith dialogues.

Discuss the principles of patience and humility exemplified during Hajj, encouraging children to apply these values in their interactions and daily lives.


Dhul-Hijjah culminates with the pilgrimage of Hajj and the celebration of Eid al-Adha, emphasizing themes of sacrifice and devotion. Teach children about the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his willingness to sacrifice his son Isma'il in obedience to Allah's command.

Discuss the significance of Qurbani (sacrificial offering) during Eid al-Adha, highlighting the values of generosity and compassion towards those in need.

Plan family activities such as preparing Eid meals for local shelters or visiting elderly neighbors, fostering a spirit of unity and service within the community.

By integrating these practical and engaging activities, children can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for each Islamic month, fostering a meaningful connection to their faith and heritage from a young age.

5 Ways to Teach Kids Islamic Hijri Calendar

Understanding the Islamic Hijri calendar helps children appreciate the significance of Islamic months and connects them to important events and rituals observed by Muslims worldwide.

By using engaging and interactive methods, educators and parents can make learning about the Hijri calendar an enjoyable and enriching experience for children.

Here are Creative 5 ways to help you teach the Islamic Hijri calendar to kids:

1. Interactive Learning

Utilize visual aids such as posters, charts, or flashcards that feature vibrant illustrations of each Hijri month. Include symbols or icons representing key events like fasting during Ramadan or the celebrations of Eid.

This visual approach helps children associate each month with specific meanings and enhances their understanding through visual learning.

2. Storytelling and Narration

Share simplified stories or anecdotes related to significant events in each Islamic month. For example, narrate the story of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) migration to Medina during Rabi' al-Awwal or the importance of fasting during Ramadan.

Storytelling not only makes learning engaging but also helps children remember important dates and events associated with each month.

3. Hands-On Activities

Engage children in hands-on activities that reinforce their understanding of the Hijri calendar. Encourage them to create their own lunar calendars using craft materials, with each page dedicated to a different month. Allow them to decorate the calendars with Islamic motifs or symbols, fostering creativity while learning.

4. Memory and Matching Games

Create memory games or matching pairs activities where children can match the names of the Hijri months with their corresponding events or symbols. This interactive approach not only helps in memorization but also reinforces the sequence and significance of each month in the Islamic calendar.

5. Daily Observations

Integrate discussions about the current Islamic month into daily routines. Encourage children to observe the moon phases and discuss how they relate to the Hijri calendar. This practical approach helps children understand the lunar basis of the calendar and its influence on Islamic religious practices.

By incorporating these methods into teaching the Islamic Hijri calendar, educators and parents can instill a deeper appreciation and understanding of Islamic traditions and values in children from a young age, fostering a strong connection to their cultural heritage.

Islamic Calendar Facts

The Islamic calendar plays a fundamental role in the religious and cultural life of Muslims worldwide. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, which is solar-based, the Islamic calendar is lunar-based, consisting of 12 months that follow the cycles of the moon.

Each month holds its own significance, marked by historical events and religious observances that shape the rhythm of Muslim life. Understanding the intricacies of the Hijri calendar, including its lunar calculations and the cultural practices associated with each month, provides insights into the rich diversity and heritage of Islamic traditions.

Islamic calendar for kids printable

Here are some key facts about the Islamic calendar:

1. Lunar-Based

The Islamic calendar, known as the Hijri calendar, is based on the lunar cycle, consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 or 355 days. This differs from the Gregorian calendar, which is solar-based.

2. Start Date

The Islamic calendar begins with the migration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE (common era), known as the Hijra. This event marks the start of year 1 in the Islamic calendar.

3. Months

The Islamic months are Muharram, Safar, Rabi' al-Awwal, Rabi' al-Thani, Jumada al-Awwal, Jumada al-Thani, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul-Qi'dah, and Dhul-Hijjah. Each month has its own significance and historical events.

4. Sacred Months

Four of the Islamic months—Muharram, Rajab, Dhul-Qi'dah, and Dhul-Hijjah—are considered sacred, during which warfare and conflict were traditionally forbidden.

5. Adjustments

Due to its lunar nature, the Islamic calendar is about 10 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. As a result, Islamic months and holidays like Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr shift each year relative to the Gregorian calendar.

6. Religious Observances

Important religious events such as Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr (celebrated at the end of Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) are determined by the Islamic calendar. Ramadan, the month of fasting, is particularly significant, as Muslims worldwide observe fasting from dawn to sunset during this time.

7. Cultural Significance

The Islamic calendar not only governs religious practices but also influences cultural events and social gatherings within Muslim communities worldwide. It serves as a marker for significant personal and community milestones.

8. Calculations

The determination of Islamic months relies on the sighting of the new moon, which marks the beginning of each month. This tradition continues to be observed by many Muslim communities globally.

Understanding these facts about the Islamic calendar helps in appreciating its cultural and religious significance within the Muslim world.

Islamic Calendar for Kids Printable

Creating a printable Islamic calendar for kids can be both educational and engaging. Start by designing a colorful layout that includes the names of the Hijri months in Arabic and English, accompanied by vibrant illustrations that depict the significance of each month.

For example, use symbols like a crescent moon and stars for Ramadan, or images of historical events like the migration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for Muharram.

Highlight important dates such as Eid celebrations and fasting periods, with simple explanations or icons to help children understand the meaning behind these occasions.

Incorporate interactive elements into the calendar, such as puzzles, coloring activities, or short stories related to Islamic history and teachings. This not only reinforces their understanding of the calendar but also encourages active learning and creativity.

Consider leaving space for children to personalize their calendars by adding their own notes or drawings, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their cultural heritage.

Whether printed as a poster or in a monthly format, a printable Islamic calendar tailored for kids can serve as a valuable educational tool, helping them connect with Islamic traditions and values in a fun way.

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In conclusion, exploring the Islamic calendar with children goes beyond learning dates, it's about nurturing a profound understanding of faith and heritage. Each month offers unique lessons, from resilience in Muharram to generosity in Ramadan, shaping young minds with values of kindness, compassion, and devotion.

By engaging in interactive activities and discussions about the Hijri calendar, parents and educators can inspire a lasting appreciation for Islamic traditions, fostering a strong sense of identity and community among the next generation.

Embracing these teachings empowers children to embody the timeless principles of Islam, preparing them to navigate the world with wisdom and empathy.


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