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Why Sahlah Academy is the Best Choice for Homeschooling Families?

Best Choice for Homeschooling Families two saplings studding with there father and Sahlah logo is their

Homeschooling offers families a unique and flexible approach to education, we have never had before. 

But when it comes to choosing the right homeschooling program, especially one that integrates Islamic values, the decision can feel overwhelming. This is where Sahlah Academy stands out.

Whether you're new to homeschooling or transitioning from traditional schools, read this and know the next steps.

What is Homeschooling

Homeschooling is when children receive their education at home under the instruction of their parents, rather than attending a traditional public or private school. It remains a widely used alternative to traditional schooling today. 

Why Do Families Choose Homeschooling?

Based on our surveys at Sahlah Academy, families opt for homeschooling for various reasons, such as:

  • Flexibility in scheduling and curriculum
  • Dissatisfaction with local schooling options
  • Aligning education with Islamic beliefs and culture
  • Strengthening the bond between parents and children
  • Tailoring education to specific mental or physical health needs
  • Addressing concerns over academic progress in traditional schools
  • Avoiding negative school environments, such as bullying or violence.

Legal Requirements for Homeschooling and Accreditations

When choosing an online Islamic school, the key concern is related to the credibility of the programs. You would like to enroll your child in a good university once he finishes school, right? 

Therefore, you should look for a certified school that aligns with your country's regulations and that certification is recognized and accepted by universities.

Accreditations are the key here. Schools such as Sahlah Academy get certified by global authorities that ensure that curriculums, learning methods, and Islamic teachers, all are qualified to provide high-quality education programs.

A School Certified by #1 Authorities Worldwide

There are plenty of accreditations, some of them are local and others are global. Sahlah Academy is recognized by 3 global organizations as follows:

International Education Quality Certificate
International Teaching Certificate 
Sahlah Al-Azhar Accreditation

Starting with Homeschooling

Families new to homeschooling can begin when their child reaches school age. For those transitioning from traditional schools, parents typically need to submit a formal withdrawal letter to school administrators, explaining their intent to begin homeschooling. Afterward, they must adhere to any local regulations.

Learn more about Online vs Traditional Islamic School, Could It Be an Alternative?

Structuring a Homeschool Schedule

Homeschoolers enjoy the flexibility to structure their days as they see fit. Some families follow a typical school-day schedule, while others integrate learning more fluidly into daily life, allowing children to explore subjects that interest them at any time.

A Day in the Life of Homeschooling

While the details can vary depending on the program, most Islamic online schools follow a similar structure as ours at Sahlah Academy:

  • Students begin by preparing their study environment,
  • They attend several classes based on their curriculum,
  • Lessons incorporate interactive methods and practice activities,
  • A short snack break is included before resuming classes,
  • After the classes, there’s time for independent study.

The school day usually runs from 9 am to around 2-4 pm. A significant advantage of this setup is the time spent with your children, allowing for deeper involvement in their learning process and more family bonding.

You also have the flexibility to organize your child’s after-school activities and learning schedule in a way that best suits your family’s needs.

Choosing a Curriculum

A vast selection of homeschooling curricula exists today, with options tailored to various educational philosophies and teaching methods. Subjects may include traditional topics like math, reading, and science, alongside interests such as the arts or special studies.

Here is a brief about our programs at Sahlah:

  • K-12 online Islamic education program,
  • Quran learning, including memorization, Tajweed, and more,
  • Islamic studies, such as prophet biography and Islmaic pillars,
  • Arabic learning, including learning how to read and communicate.

Customizing Learning for Children

Homeschooling allows parents to blend learning for children of different ages, especially in Islamic subjects. 

For subjects like math and reading, children often receive one-on-one instruction, ensuring their education aligns with their specific needs and abilities.

Homeschooling provides a personalized, flexible learning environment where parents can foster their child’s unique talents and interests, resulting in a customized educational experience.

Your Gateway for Islamic Education

We believe that the best way of learning is with a mentor. In that way, you ensure you receive personalized learning with a qualified teacher. 

Sahlah Academy is one of the leading online Islamic schools, offering certified learning programs. Join over 15,000 students today.

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How can I ensure my child is meeting educational standards in an Islamic homeschooling program?

Here comes the importance of Islamic schools accrediatiaons

You can ensure educational standards by selecting an accredited Islamic homeschooling program, such as ours at Sahlah. Our academy is accredited by: Al-Azher, Cognia, and Othm global authorities.


Do I need formal teaching qualifications to homeschool my child in an Islamic program?

No formal teaching qualifications are required to homeschool your child.

How can I balance academic subjects and Islamic studies in homeschooling?

Balancing academic and Islamic studies can be done by integrating both into your daily schedule. We suggest following a routine like the following: 

Start the day with Quran recitation, followed by traditional subjects like math and science, and conclude with Islamic history or Fiqh.

How can I ensure my child is meeting educational standards in an Islamic homeschooling program?

Here comes the importance of Islamic schools accrediatiaons

You can ensure educational standards by selecting an accredited Islamic homeschooling program, such as ours at Sahlah. Our academy is accredited by: Al-Azher, Cognia, and Othm global authorities.

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