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What Makes Sahlah Academy the Best Choice for Islamic Education?

What Makes Sahlah Academy the Best Choice for Islamic Education

Think about the main challenges you face when you enroll in an ordinary school for your children in your neighborhood, what do you struggle with? 

Based on answers to this question we receive from parents, it’s all about the cultural border. Islamic teachings are totally different from the Western culture, the morals, the goals of life, the mindset, the list goes.

Understanding these challenges and differences; we see how Islamic schools contribute to our Muslim community. Can online Islamic education be an alternative? Let’s read some stories and see.

A New Era of Learning

There is no doubt that International Islamic schools have provided a viable alternative to traditional schools in Western countries or any non-Muslim community. But still, people have doubts and fears.

One of the questions we got from parents, reflecting this fear, is how can I make sure that my children get reliable and credible learning? As It’s known, parents care about the quality of learning for their children.

Additionally, these schools follow the homeschooling model, which is awesome as it provides flexibility and accessibility for the learning materials, but it is still challenging to learn from home.

Shaping the Learning Methods

Using modern technology is valuable for providing online Islamic education. It provides two crucial elements: the ability to learn from anywhere worldwide and the chance to learn from the best tutors.

Of course, it can be a tough decision to make, shifting from traditional school to online school. However, we are sure that will be the best decision you ever made for your children.

If you are interested in seeing how Technology contributed to enhancing the learning outcomes at Sahlah Academy, check out this article: How to Use Technology to Support Your Child’s Islamic Education

Online Islamic Schools Benefits

The main concerns we realized after talking to hundreds of parents are the effectiveness of online learning and the credibility of the learning programs.

For that, Sahlah Academy has two things to tell you. First, you have to make sure to provide a good environment that helps your children be productive. 

Second, we got credibility from world-recognized authorities that ensure that our programs align with global standards. For more concerns, you can check the FAQs section. 

If you are still not convinced, see how can online Islamic education be more promising than traditional school learning. 

Read more about this topic: Online vs Traditional Islamic School, Could It Be an Alternative?

A School Day at Sahlah Academy

To begin with, how does a typical day unfold in an Islamic online school? While the details may vary depending on the online Islamic education program, the overall structure tends to be quite similar:

  • Students prepare themselves and create a conducive study environment,
  • They attend a series of classes following the curriculum,
  • Lessons include interactive elements and hands-on practice,
  • A break for snacks is provided before classes continue,
  • The school day concludes with time set aside for independent study.

Generally, online school days start around 9 a.m. and wrap up between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. What stands out are the opportunities to bond with your child, actively engage in their education, and spend quality family time.

Additionally, the after-school period gives you the flexibility to manage your child’s learning schedule, allowing you to tailor the routine in a way that best supports both their needs and your family’s lifestyle.

Does Online School Work for Your Children?

Online Islamic education provides a reliable, flexible, and unique learning journey for your children.

If you are not convinced yet, we invite you to take a quick call with our expert teachers to discuss your fears and see if Islamic online learning works best for your family. Don’t worry; it’s free.

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How involved are parents in their child’s education at Sahlah Academy?

The flexible structure of our programs allows parents to monitor their child’s progress, engage in their learning process, and create a supportive home environment.

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Do universities accept homeschoolers?

It depends on the school you enrolled in and the university terms. But in general yes, universities widely accept homeschoolers. Just make sure to do this before selecting the school.

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What technology is used to support learning at Sahlah Academy?

Sahlah Academy uses advanced online platforms, interactive tools, and multimedia resources to create a dynamic and engaging learning experience. This allows students to learn from anywhere in the world while receiving top-quality Islamic education.

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How involved are parents in their child’s education at Sahlah Academy?

The flexible structure of our programs allows parents to monitor their child’s progress, engage in their learning process, and create a supportive home environment.

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