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The Comprehensive Program for Islamic Studies; AQI

Childs reading quran in sahalah school

Our vision at Sahlah Academy is to provide learning pathways for Muslim children of school ages; that help them build the essential Islamic knowledge. Here comes our AQI program; Arabic, Quran, and Islamic studies. Are you interested in investing in your children to learn more about Islam? Let’s dive into this program.

Understanding Sahlah’s AQI Program

This program is prepared by our experts at Sahlah Islamic school; as we know how challenging it is to get Islamic learning in non-muslim countries. 

We got in touch with many parents who struggled to find a school that provides reliable K-12 education programs, that are accredited and accepted by universities. At the same time, they want to teach their children the Islamic teachings, morals, culture, and Quran.

That is the reason we developed this program at Sahlah Academy. The program is unique as it:

  • Provide a customized plan that fills students' gaps and needs,
  • Integrate the Arabic, Quran, and Islamic studies into K-12 levels,
  • A comprehensive learning program that helps students master the 3 learning paths. 

You might be interested in: K-12 online Islamic education at Sahlah Academy.

Here are What Students Learn

The program, as we explained, teaches your children 3 paths: Arabic, Quran, and Islamic studies. All are explained as follows.

The Arabic 

Students learn:

  1. Arabic letters,
  2. How to read Arabic,
  3. How to communicate in Arabic,
  4. And Arabic grammar and sentence structure,

The Quran

Students learn: 

  1. Learn Tajweed,
  2. Refine recitation, 
  3. Memorize Quranic verses,
  4. Explore Tafsir and engage in debates,

The Islamic Studies

Students learn:

  1. Islamic culture, 
  2. Muslim Aqidah,
  3. Prophet biography,
  4. Sharia Comprehension,
  5. Morals and daily life practice. 

The Program that Builds Your Child’s Mindset

Do you know how challenging it is to gain morals, faith, and practice Islam for adults? That’s why we invest in children and teach them at a young age. 

So, it’s become easier to do daily Islamic practice and follow Islamic morals and teachings when they grow. By enrolling in the AQI program at Sahlah Academy, here are the benefits:

  • Islam as a Way of Life. Early Islamic education helps children live by Islamic principles from a young age. Also, they build a foundation in Fiqh, Qur’an, Hadith, Tauhid, Arabic, and Islamic history.
  • Curiosity and Understanding. Early exposure to Islamic teachings encourages deeper questions, leading to a stronger connection to their faith.
  • Strong Foundation at an Early Age. Children absorb core concepts like the Five Pillars of Islam when introduced early.
  • Building Moral Values. Islamic education instills values like honesty, respect, humility, and obedience. And helps children build ethical behavior, supported by family and teachers.
  • Enhancing Critical Thinking. Studying Islamic texts fosters critical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Comprehensive Learning. Children learn the essentials they need in Arabic, Quran, and Islamic studies, as Muslims.

Learn more about: The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in an Online Islamic School

Overcoming Islamic Education Challenges

Our vision at Sahlah Academy is not an online Islamic school. However, it’s guided by our passion and mission to deliver the message of Islam and provide the opportunity to learn, practice, and spread Islam for all Muslims.

That’s the reason we always provide new solutions that will reflect on our students learning growth.

  • We developed an interactive learning model to deliver the knowledge easily, especially when it comes to something difficult and new, such as learning Arabic,
  • An online library that has many resources and materials for all subjects.
  • Developing learning programs continuously, ensuring the our programs are accessible, available, and effective for your children,
  • Giving the chance for every Muslim throughout the world to learn Islamic subjects in detail.

We recently collaborated with Bridges Foundation, to help our students build a critical mindset and know how to engage with non-Muslims. So, they are not just learning for themselves, they learn to spread the message of Islam and be an image of it.

Ready to engage your children in this promising journey? Enroll today in our AQI program at Sahlah Academy, and stay tuned.

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How does Sahlah Academy ensure quality and engagement in its online program?

At Sahlah Academy, we offer interactive learning models that make online education engaging and accessible. We are also accredited by world organizations such as Cognia, Othm, and Al-Azhar, showing how reliable our programs are.

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What does the AQI program cover, and how is it different from other Islamic education programs?

The AQI program at Sahlah Academy covers three core areas: Arabic, Quran, and Islamic studies. Unlike other programs, AQI integrates Islamic teachings with a K-12 academic curriculum, ensuring students not only learn Islamic principles but also master academic subjects. 

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Is the AQI program suitable for non-Arabic speakers or beginners?

Yes, the AQI program is designed to accommodate students of all levels, including non-Arabic speakers and beginners. We start with the basics of Arabic letters and gradually teach students how to read, write, and communicate in Arabic. 

The program also includes lessons in Tajweed, Quran recitation, and memorization, ensuring that students with no prior knowledge can grow at their own pace.

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How does Sahlah Academy ensure quality and engagement in its online program?

At Sahlah Academy, we offer interactive learning models that make online education engaging and accessible. We are also accredited by world organizations such as Cognia, Othm, and Al-Azhar, showing how reliable our programs are.

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اختر مسار التعلم الخاص بك

اختر الأنسب لعائلتك وتأكد من الحصول على تعليم بناء و متوازن
المدرسة أونلاين
احصل على تعليم إسلامي ذي جودة عالية في أي وقت؛ وفي أي مكان مع برنامجنا التفاعلي المباشر أون لاين.
التعليم المنزلي
استمتع بمرونة التعلم من المنزل مع منهجنا المعتمد ومواردنا المستوحاة من الوحي.
online arabic classes for adults
البرنامج الإسلامي
انضم إلى مدرستنا الإسلامية المعتمدة  لتعزيز المعارف وبناء الشخصية المسلمة واكتساب الصفات القيادية.
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مكتب الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
16107 دكتور كينسينغتون، قسم 514، شوجر لاند، تكساس 77479
مكتب قطر
مبنى مسك، 106723 طريق سلوى، الدوحة
مكتب ماليزيا
جالان بازار U8/101، بوكيت جيلوتونغ  U8، 40150 شاه علم سيلانجور
مكتب تركيا (اسطنبول)
شارع عدنان مندريس،  المبنى: 5، المكتب: 41. حي كايا باشي، باشاك شهير.
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة. سهلة 2024